Thursday, January 20, 2011

teman ku, mari dgr kata

goodluck eh group komsas sorry sgt, i couldnt go to school. had to follow my mum to Kl, anyway perform well eh todaaaaaaaaaaay. lovechyuguys! <3

fuckin bored.

sebelum aku jadi gila, nak tnya siapa pakar dalam + Maths & Physics semuala.. jangan nk kedekut ilmu eh, ajar la sikit. Fact # 1 : AKU SELALU NANGIS SEBAB TAK RETI JAWAB ADD MATHS! PHYSICS LAGI TAKYAH TANYA, DAH TAHU JAWAPAN. hahahhaha, gila retard doh, 16 is a nice number en. tapi bila cakap form 4, bunyi pelik sikit. Life dahla takyah ckp, sparkling red. haa dipenuhi dgn warna warna pelangi, amacam? k hebat kan bunyiiiiii. ni menanti hari je nak pergi membawa diri ke syurga inspirasi hidup sanubari. kenapa? sebab ; 7 Februari 2011 bersamaan dgn hari Isnin, i will b no longer in Convent :'( haaaaaaaaaaa, sumpah rindu gila nnti kat sekolah, cikgu2 and kawan kawaaaaan. rindu mama lagilah tkyah ckp tinggi mengggunungggggggg :( barang pun malas nk beli tk terasa pun excited bagai. hahaa kenapa? sebab takut ah susaaaaaaaah nk survive, tp i'll try. hmm nak pergi mana? haha, oh pergi Sm Sains Seri Puteri, Kl *Seseri* hahahah okay aku maybe lamee, tapi seriously aku taktau location dia kt mana, dgr dgr org ckp jee. hahaahaha sakai tak? mmg ah, tgk org en. hahaha, dgn harapan g sana, nk berjaya :D k tu je la kot, nk HIDUP BARUUUUUUUU! environment baru, tp kan sob sob :'( nk tingglkan kawan2 macam eeeeeeeeeeeer susah gila anyway cngrats to Fatinnnnn, Armida, Farah Ain, Amalina, Alia, Shazleeen*bakal pergi bersama* and yang lain lain lah eh :) tkpe kurang sikit class 4 Cerdas, goodluck eh korang, aku bakal rindu eveything la about school. & to Aminah and Ameera, aku syg korg lagi :) HIHI. Syikin Naili Roza Atun Shahid Nabilah and others jaga diri tau. Sharimila, jaga meja saayaa eh ada bruno mars ohhhhhhhh, jgn main2, hilang gmbr bruno mars tu, maka hilanglah riwayat kamu. ecehhhh ceh, gedik mengada je aku tkd ah. oh maybe this saturday aku g tgk sekolah baru aku, hihi. gila tk sabaaaar *tkd keje kan*bila nk beli brg? maybe time cuti CNY! and happy 3 weeeks eh to ----> muaahahaha. gedik lebih je ni. NADIA ELIN NURL HAZIQAH AMALINA AZMI NUREINA TYRA aku syg korang infinity tau!!!! :P and gang aku jugak, sumpah sampai mati cinta kita kan bersemi, aku nak g berjuang bermati-matian ni kt Seseri, doakan kejayaan aku tau! korgla, pengubat rindu di hati. hmmmmm, k ah chow! ~ :D


sumpah im gonna miss my bestfriends! ERGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH *what a stressful life*

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

ada masalah er



Convent is the best school ive everr had. Deal.
If i've got a chance to go to other school, i'll still think that this is the best school. Its SMK Convent Teluk Intan, Perak! Dnt ever say bad things bout my school okay! so,here's the thing. I'd love to say that im happy to be in this school. ive got a lot of caring friends who will be always there for me through thick and thin. My best principal, Puan Zainab bt Ahmad ;) got many nice teachers, (Y) Kakitangan sekolah yang sporting *uwwww* hahahaha, the school's environment, wowwwwwww(!) but over-all, ive got many sweet and precious memories in this school. 

* Pisau-pisau dalam selimut, do whatever you wanna do. its yr choice. i dnt give a damn. 

the chances you wont have.

As usual abt schoo. I think today was a good start but in the same time, everything was in rush. MY NEW CLASS TEACHER ; CIK WAN AINNUR ILYANIE :) She's such a fierce teacher, but haaaa baru aku menjadi kalau dapat cikgu-cikgu garang. She's going to teach me, Biology. whoaaaaaaaaaah, thts so cool. but frankly, fierce teachers would be okay for me. So, Ive got 4 Cerdas, yayy! Alhamdulillah 4 friends out of 10, FatinIzzati, Asyikin, and Shazleen got the same class as me but the rest semua 4 Gigih. Goodluck guys! gdluck with Account w Puan Azlya. Although we are in the diff classes, but my love for my tutti fruttis never ends, hopefully it'll last long guys. Credits to ; Naili Jannatun Fizi Roza Aleen Byda Syikin Nabilah and Shahid. sumpah me loves you guysssssssss! :') TIME TO STUDY HARD! 

*gotta start learning tomorrow! :) gdluck Ly!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

shaun the sheep. :D 

-BAHASA MALAYSIA                            4 elective subjects
-BAHASA INGGERIS                            -Biology, Chemistry, Additional Maths, Physics.
-PENDIDIKAN AGAMA                                   GOOOODLUCK, LILY..

i love my tutti-fruttis :') 

Monday, January 3, 2011

your.attitude.girl.I.just.'so meluat'.with

*love my tutti-fruttis! <3


school is fun

Look at the title la kan, ITS A TIME FOR ME TO STRUGGLE BACK and tgk buku balik. Its kinda bored actually for these two days, no offence kay. Got a non-stop briefings abt the sucjects. Anyway, i took Science Stream, boleh bawa ke tak ke, lain cerita. But this is my NEW YEAR resolution, >:D studyyyyyyy studyyyyyyyyyyy studyyyyyyyy! I'll take this as a challenge for myself. I need to compete with others, SPM is just like a year to go? GOODLUCK. kay, wish me luck, and yeah goodluck to all my friends too. NAILI JANNATUN SHAZLEEN ROZA NABILAH SYAHID ABIDATUL FATINIZZATI ASYIKIN ELIN NUREINA TYRA NURULHAZIQAH AMALINA AZMI MUZ DANIAL ABRAR NIKMAN APAN and my-has-changed-bestfriend *; NS *youknowhoyouare**imisstheoldyou**butyoualreadyhaveagang**hopefullyou'llbehappywithyourlife**goodluckgirl*
 *iloveyousomuch* :'( okay,stop pathetic-ing yrself.hahaha,riiiiiiiiight, school has started. sorry didnt update any latest issues, 2011 already aa? so fast aaaaaaaa! hmm 2nd day of school, what happened? I'll tell you. As usual pergi sekolah gerak frm home at 642am, then sampai terus duty then took attendance, ada taklimat borang package mata pelajaran with Puan Aminah Idris and pensijilan terbuka SPM  by Puan Annisa. Then trus sambung with taklimat all elective subjects like Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Add Maths, and they sounded like going to be touuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhh and swear!I AM SO SCARED. ouch! but i'll try my best, one of my new year's resolutions ; STUDY HARD, SCORE A GOOD RESULT. :) so yeah, these are what my teachers said in the taklimat. So yeah for ADD MATHS which is some people may say its 'A KILLER SUB' hahaha,dnt freakin me out boleh tak? yeah, its such a tough subject, so i will work for it! SYARAT NAK AMBIL + MATHS : 1) good basic / foundation in Maths. *actually im not good in Maths,but i'll try 2) Affinity for Maths *hmmm,will try!  3) Hardworking / Earnestness to work. *Insya'Allah  4) SEEKING SPIRIT (Y) *sure* Kay, ni Miss Tang yang cakap, so yeah, will do! :) Then, Biology. Puan Rosmina told us that this is like one of the tougher subjects too, and she said this subject kena banyak menghafal, (Y) time tgh dgr aku adala selak sikit sikit buku reference Bio Devi Ananth, and i saw about the structures of cells agaiiiiiiiiin, got protoplasm and all. But, ada details details diaa la. then ternampak about pregnancy, *still ada lagi eh?* kena banyak menghafal wehhh. okay, Biology is about our life, surroundlings and living things whatever and bla bla bla, nnti belajar la ehh, hihi. Dengan belajar Biology, kita akan dapat faham diri kita. (Y) Kita juga akan belajar abt Genetic, Mesology, Microbiology *abt organisms*, Zeology *abt animals,obviously*, Ecology *abt environment*, Botani *abt pertanianla kaaan*, there are so manyy careeers we can get if we learn this subject. Ex : Doctor, Forensik, Veterinar, Pensyarah, Nursin' and etc etc. Exam pulak, ada 3 papers ; p1 (objective 50 questions) , p2 (structures, essays) , and p3 (EXPERIMENT) *its gonna be so haaaaaaaarrrrrrr-har-haaa-haaa-haaar haaaaaaaard! ahhaaha, but Experiment will give more marks to us. so LETS STUDY BIO! hahhaha. CHEMISTRY pulak by Cik Ilyani *alololo tadi cantiknyaaaa* kay, cikgu cakap, Chmistry is funnnnnnnn! so hopefully, youre right okay! sump, takut gila. but the way she told us, i could feel that Chmstry gonna be fun! Dalam exam, ada still 3 papers jugaaaaaak. p1 (50 objectives), p2 ( essays) and p3 (Amali 'report'). OVER ALL 200 MARKS KAY, dnt play-play! haaaaaaaaa, cikgu cakap kena start daripada awal, so yeah. *jgn hangat hangat tahi ayam je ay, jomla belajar. Alaa, tp buku reference belum beli lagi *tak ke bagus?* HAHAHA, soooooon k soooon gonna buyyyy!  NEXT; Physics by Puan Saidatul. But idk why, mcm semua cikgu tk galakkan ambil Pure Science, why ay? hmmm, if nak ambil, kena sukat baju di badan sendiri, mampu ke bawak actually? *TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE THAT* hmm, tulah nk try ni cikgu, nk tryyyyyy my best ni :D k, Physics ; Pelajaran yang kita tak dapat lihat dengan mata kasar. Cikgu ni cakap *even PMR dpat straight A's pun tak guarantee apa-apa* so yeah, actually cikgu cikgu sedang mencabar kebolehan kita, sahutlah cabaran itu ye anak-anak! Markah exam sama dgn Chemistry tapi kuraang sikit, over all 190 marks. I BET ADD MATHS AND PHYSICS ARE GOING TO TRY MYSELF, GOING TO MAKE ME STRESS, GOING TO SCREW ME, GOING TO KILL ME, *TRY ME* hahaha :/ actually im super scared! please oh pleaseeeeeeee, okay next ; SEJARAH by Cik Nora. *buat lawak je cikgu ni* :D ada 40 soalan objective,(20 f4, 20 f5) so jgn ingat soalan f4 tkd keluar k, adaaaaaaaaaa weh! -.- got 4 structure questions, same la (2 soalan f4 and 2 soalan f5) , kalau soalan struktur takyahla nk answer panjang panjang, satu cukup. :D got 5 essays, *pilihan* hanya pilih 3 kay, essay tu yang penting satu perenggan ada satu isi, jgn buat panjang2 tp tkd isii. tak molek tu, hahah. paper two carries 100 marks. -AVOID GIVING ANSWERS IN POINT FORMS/ TABLES/ or gmbr rajah ye dik. okay, cikgu sempat tunjuk dekat slideshow ; soalan SPM 2008 tak silap, so aku sempat jotted down dlm notebook. here it goes : Mengapakah masyarakat Arab dikenali sebagai masyarakat Jahiliah? okay so these are the answers. 1) Tak sembah Allah. 2) Mengamalkan animisme *APAKAH ANIMISME? BELAJAR LA NNTI K. 3) Hidup kucar kacir. Ada lagi tp lupa aaah, ni je sempat amik. tp buat dalam perenggan k. Ni je laaaah sempat cikgu-cikgu terangkan, ada lagi satuuu ACCOUNTS. but maybe aku tak ambik, berat la. cz if dapat SC STREAM, macam mana nak cope-up dengan Acc? ada kerja kursus lg? hmmm, sabar je la. Anyway, i'll study hard! keeep my words! keep k! BUKAN HONEYMOOON YEAR OKAYYYYYYYYYY. semua subjects dah mulai susah, takutla cm gini. wish me luck, Amin :) hopefully Fizi, Aleen sama class dgn aku jugak, syikin pun! gdluck to those takin accs, Naili Atun Shahid Byda Nabilah Ea Elin semua k. KITA BELAJAR TAU! JANGAN MAIN MAIN, but gdluck to Amalina Azmi, Nurul Haziqah, Athirah and Nureina jugak, aku taktau korang ambil apa. Tahu Amal and Nureina je, gdluck in Sc Stream loves! :D oh ye, Im waiting for asrama offers, hopefully dptla mana mana, Aminnnn.. I want a new school, but still CONVENT is the best! Thnks to the pengetua! <3 hihi. and all the teachers, i love you guys! I love my friends here *ALTHOUGH banyak kenangan pahit, hahaha kesaaah apa en? HAHAHA, ni dah 2011 la, c'mone! TIME TO CHANGE (TTC) baby! hahaha rrrr--iighhhht! :) k now tengah nak cari tempat tuition, hmmmm tanya banak seniors dah ni mana tempat okay, nak cari yang sikit olang okay, baru boleh focus. and im planning to make a demand to my class teacher, NAK DUDUK DEPAN. kalau duduk belakang how laa nak focus betul tak? haaaaaaaaa, nnti tertinggal, mati! ye dai dai! hmm, buku refence pun belum beli, nak usha usha nnti. hmmm, everything went so well today, bising gila class macam 'market pagi' *Miss Tang* cakaap. haaha, yeap. Sykin buat lawak today, sumpah cakap! Hahahahahaha, Apa lagi eh, tu je la kot. and mama, GOODLUCK FR THE PERTANDINGAN NASYID THT'S HAPPENING NOW! <3 
