HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FATIN IZZATI AND ANIQ SHAZWAN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ;) Dayuuuuuuuuum, korang dah tua! hahahaa, anyway, May god bless you. Hope korang panjang umur, Dimurahkan rezeki and May all your dreams become true k? :) Hopefully korang dapat straight A's in PMR Insya'Allah Aminnnnnnnnn <3 Fizi, time aku called kau semalam, M so sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrry! aku tergelak gila gila dah, aku mcm excited and happy gila sebab kau happy with yrself, ecstatic gitu! awww, im so happy if youre happy when youre happy, everyone will b happy toooooooo. ;p k dah mengarut, korang! if aku ada duit aku belikan korg hadiah k! ;D mmm anyway, i miss you guys. Aniq! lama kita tak sembang kan, and keeep this in yr mind, ignore all the haters, they are just bullshits tht dnt have any work to do, tula jadinya, sebok hal org >:l eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! anyway, be strong k Aniq. I knw you can! I will always b thre for you if you need me like one two three k! hahahhaa, and so you are, Fiziy. I miss you guys so much! so terrribly much k. Have a blast, and takecare! muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah xD oh yeh bfre tht, Fizi! gdluck fr ukkm test kt Pasir Salak k, gdluck! :)
Gossip Girl
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