And he is,
Khairul Ahmad Muzzafar :')
-He listens to all my stories.
-He will always be here when i neeed someone to talk.
-He's the one who understands me well.
-He's the one who is so-low-profile, keeep it up my man!
-He's my bodyguard too! :)
-He's a very god listener, im glad tht ive found a truefriend :')
-Youre the best kay <3
And the other one,
Nureina Najib :')
-She's pretty, intelligent and kind!
-She's the one who always hear my stories.
-Always give me a long text message. awwwww :)
-Hope you dapat 8A's kay?
-Bak kata you, youre gonna be ontop of my heart. and yeah same as me too. :D
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
- girl: your new girlfriend is pretty. (i bet she stole your heart)
- boy: yeah, she is. (but you’re still the most beautiful girl i know)
- girl: i heard she’s funny & amazing. (all the stuff i wasn’t)
- boy: she sure is. (but she’s nothing compared to you)
- girl: i bet you know everything about her by now (like how you knew just about everything about me)
- boy: only the stuff that count (i can’t even remember the stuff she tells me when i think of you)
- girl: well, I hope you guys last. (because we never did)
- boy: i hope we do too. (whatever happened to me & you?)
- girl: well i got to go. (before i start to cry)
- boy: yeah me too. (i hope you don’t cry)
- girl: bye. (i still love you)
- boy: later. (i never stopped)
happy birthday!
Happy birthday, guys ;)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FATIN IZZATI AND ANIQ SHAZWAN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ;) Dayuuuuuuuuum, korang dah tua! hahahaa, anyway, May god bless you. Hope korang panjang umur, Dimurahkan rezeki and May all your dreams become true k? :) Hopefully korang dapat straight A's in PMR Insya'Allah Aminnnnnnnnn <3 Fizi, time aku called kau semalam, M so sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrry! aku tergelak gila gila dah, aku mcm excited and happy gila sebab kau happy with yrself, ecstatic gitu! awww, im so happy if youre happy when youre happy, everyone will b happy toooooooo. ;p k dah mengarut, korang! if aku ada duit aku belikan korg hadiah k! ;D mmm anyway, i miss you guys. Aniq! lama kita tak sembang kan, and keeep this in yr mind, ignore all the haters, they are just bullshits tht dnt have any work to do, tula jadinya, sebok hal org >:l eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! anyway, be strong k Aniq. I knw you can! I will always b thre for you if you need me like one two three k! hahahhaa, and so you are, Fiziy. I miss you guys so much! so terrribly much k. Have a blast, and takecare! muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah xD oh yeh bfre tht, Fizi! gdluck fr ukkm test kt Pasir Salak k, gdluck! :)
Gossip Girl

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FATIN IZZATI AND ANIQ SHAZWAN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ;) Dayuuuuuuuuum, korang dah tua! hahahaa, anyway, May god bless you. Hope korang panjang umur, Dimurahkan rezeki and May all your dreams become true k? :) Hopefully korang dapat straight A's in PMR Insya'Allah Aminnnnnnnnn <3 Fizi, time aku called kau semalam, M so sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrry! aku tergelak gila gila dah, aku mcm excited and happy gila sebab kau happy with yrself, ecstatic gitu! awww, im so happy if youre happy when youre happy, everyone will b happy toooooooo. ;p k dah mengarut, korang! if aku ada duit aku belikan korg hadiah k! ;D mmm anyway, i miss you guys. Aniq! lama kita tak sembang kan, and keeep this in yr mind, ignore all the haters, they are just bullshits tht dnt have any work to do, tula jadinya, sebok hal org >:l eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! anyway, be strong k Aniq. I knw you can! I will always b thre for you if you need me like one two three k! hahahhaa, and so you are, Fiziy. I miss you guys so much! so terrribly much k. Have a blast, and takecare! muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah xD oh yeh bfre tht, Fizi! gdluck fr ukkm test kt Pasir Salak k, gdluck! :)
Gossip Girl
why must you suffer because of someone?
As you may see in the picture above, she is Nurul Athirah a.k.a Tyra fer short. (Y), she's my bestfriend. Aku dah pernah jumpa dia masa Fly Anni dekat OU and we walked to FOS beli baju semua, oh myyyyyyyy i still remember kay! But yguys wanna knw something bout her? She's kind! gila pik punya kind. Cumaaaa.. Hidup dia selalu banyak dugaan and all the problems she shares with me, aku ni kira pendengar setia kau la kaaan, Tyra! Aku sedih tgk kau tauuu, sebabkan budak tu kau suffer smpai kau sakiiiiiiiiit, kau tau tak kau dah buat diri kau SAKIT, kau tau tk!? dia dh ada life sendiri, asal kau ni degil sgt? k, sssshut up. aku bagi kau bnyk advise wehhh, too much of advise. but kau amik tak apa yang aku ckp? kau buat tak? kau ckp, 'I just cant' 'Skit Hati' semuaaaa, weh if kau try slow slow, im sure you can forget bout ****. Even ramai kawan kau ckp dia cmni cmtu cmni kan? aku pun dh kenal dia lama, dia hot bagai, an mestilah dia nk **, ye idaaak? aku bukan nk down kan kau, even when we otp-ed last night pun dh bnyk aku membebel cm mak kau gak en? haaaaaaaaaaaa, seeeeeeeeee(!) kau kata kau baru keluar frm .... so yeah kau kena bnyk berehat makan ubat tu tau, rest dgn cukup,jgn kuat jalan sgt, jgn buat kerja, kalau boleeeeh kau berdiri pun jgnla. ONLINE TU. kata dh deactivate?! weeeeh, kau kena sabar and tabah dgn dugaaan kau, (Y) Allah sayangkan kau sbb tu la Allah gives you lots of trials in yr life, Allah wanna test you how far kau boleh bersabar and menempuh dugaaan tu.Kau kena banyk sembahyang, doa tu perlu. aku syg kaaaaaaaaau. EVERYBODY LOVES YOU. YOU KNW THT? kau kena lupakan jap problems tu fr awhile seeems like kau tk berapa sihat weh. I do love you so much as my bestfriend, kenapa kau nk suffer hidup kau? dia dh tk layan kau, mssg pun tk bg. kenapa dia sendiri tk dtg jumpa kau gtau, yang dia dh ada ... ? seeeeeeeee! dia takut weh dia takut. sbb dia malu dgn perbuatan dia, n dia tkut if kau kecewa sedih sbb kehilangan dia. tp kau kena move on jugak somehow, kau tkleh dah nk nangis pasal dia membazir air mata, NO USE BEBEH! kau skrg ni kau fikir masak masak , sedalam dalamnya, kau kan dh mumaiyiz, kau boleh fikir la yang mana buruk and baik. Allah tahu jodoh kau ngan siapa, so kau bersabar je, tunggu masa yang tepat, everything happens for a reason :') so, kau kena sabar tabah through all these, and aku percaya, its worth it if kau sabar apa semuua, kau kena bare in yr mind akan ada ganjaran menanti kau k? k sekarang kau maybe rasa hidup kau sedih gila and all, kau tgk org lain bahagia dgn hidup dieorg. Its not yr time yet, sayang. nnti one day kau akan dapat yr own happiness. Trust me, you must have yr self-cnfidence. Kau kena bnyk berdoa, tu lah 'KEY TO HAPPINESS' kay?
Get well soooon, YOU OWE ME SOMETHING. <3
Makan ubat ikut maasa tau ;)
Makan biar cukup :)
Ignore yr problems fr awhile, ye tkkn solve apa apa if kau lari frm yr own problems but fr awhile, kau buatla smbahyang istiqarah supaya Allah bagi petunjuk kat kau tau? :)
Jangan buat kerja berat berat :)
online tu jangan selalu, you neeeeeeeeeeeeeed an enuff rest babe!
last but not least, if you need someone to talk, you can count on me like one two three and i'll be there.
Get well soooon, YOU OWE ME SOMETHING. <3
Makan ubat ikut maasa tau ;)
Makan biar cukup :)
Ignore yr problems fr awhile, ye tkkn solve apa apa if kau lari frm yr own problems but fr awhile, kau buatla smbahyang istiqarah supaya Allah bagi petunjuk kat kau tau? :)
Jangan buat kerja berat berat :)
online tu jangan selalu, you neeeeeeeeeeeeeed an enuff rest babe!
last but not least, if you need someone to talk, you can count on me like one two three and i'll be there.
stfu just seat and read, no sound is needed. tq
ho-ho-ho. rasa mcm nk berblogging pulak! so, yeah mm for the post this time is about confession about me :P hihi. (Y) dah tk ada lagi posts yang bercerita buruk di belakang kawan or whtver. just stfu, dgr cerita Lily okay? :) For now, i am the type of PHILOPHOBIA you just dnt knw what it means kan? so i'll tell you whts that means. Based on google it means (Y) down there. read it out loud k.
okay, hihi PMR'S result maybe MAYBEEEEEEEEE K keluar on ths 28TH DECEMBER :S dah takuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts like sumpah nak pengsan dah bila org tanya 'bila keluar result' 'bila keluar result'? sabarla! nanti when the time comes, if result Lily baik, i'll tell the people tht ive promised to tell. sabar sabar, jgnla banyak tnya, if nk lebih confirm punya date, check ah sendiri kt website PPD KE APA KE k? hmm pleaase stop asking me the same quests penat k nk jawab, but if result tk okay, sorry to tell FAMILY AND MY CLOSED ONES JE CAN TAHU. but anw, please keeeep me in yr prayers k i want 8A'S 8A'S 8A'S pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase :) grrrrrrrr, if dpt la 8A sumpah new year mmg NEW HABIS LA. INSYA'ALLAH LY, TAWWAKAL K TAWWWAKAL, YOU CAN DO IT AMIIIIIIIIIIIIN ;D and hopefully dpt masuk asrama sri putri ke MRSM ke tk kesah if sri putri k'Amalina ada boleh tolong bimbing Lily, lebiyou lah :D hihihihiiiiiiiii, miss you toooooooooooooooo!
the fear of falling in love. the fear of being in love. the fear of being loved. the fear of loving someone.
okay, so yeah thats just me now. Guys cant be trust nowadays yeah ive some err, not so la but yeah a few of boyfriends that i can depend on and share something with. Just keeep it secret je la. malas nak kecoh nnti gossip again :D hihi, but yeah i am truly love you guys, esp AH & KAM. *you know who you are. err right, back to the topic. why guys cant be trust? err k first, DIAORG TK MUNGKIN AKAN LOYAL PADA SORANG PEREMPUAN JE, TKPAYAHLA NK BANGGA SANGAT KITA NI DICINTAI SELAMA LAMANYA, MMG TKKN HAPPEN UNLESS IF ITS YR DESTINY TU AYE BOLEH BANGGA. :)
hahaha, lawak gila. (Y) i found it in Azfiq's tumblr. Thnks! eventhough kita tk knl, ada link ambil je la :) hihi, anyway thnks, this words are the best! k the best. okay back to the topic, 2nd plak janganla terpengaruh dengan SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET TALKERSSSSSSSS. ewww, ye ive to admit im one of em, i mean aku pemangsa la gile! bukannya sweet talkers, I TELL YOU EH, I AM A GIRL WHO IS EASILY CAN FALL IN LOVE WITH ANY GUYS WHO TWIST ME WITH THEIR SWEET WORDS, F YOUUUUUUUUUUU! haha ive lots of experiences, tgk la one day if ada rezeki i'll make a book abt my life, hihi :D tp mcm sedih la, korang kena prepare lots of tissssues. nak nangis nngis together. errr right, so yeah 3rd one, i am so not lucky ah i tell you. sebab semua guys yang ly jumpa semua mcm, k kau pakai mantera apa tah smpai buat aku jatuh hati kat kau en. kau pakai ayat yang cm, 'eleh i boleh teman you mlm ni' and so wtv wtv. err 'i text you sorang je' eeeeeeeeeeh eeeeeeeh, kau nk tipu eh? im good enough to detect that youre lying to me la. F YOU AGAIN! mmm kau mcm pikir aku ni bodoh sgt ke, aku ni jauh dgn kau, phone kau pun aku tkleh check *tkyah terasa sgtla* hahahaha, mm tah tah berapa ramai lagi stok kau ada en? pape je la en, lumrah kehidupan. okay 4th ; lepas break apa semua mesti dapat girlfriend dgn cptnya, dulu bukan main ckp BABY I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER LA TAIK KUCING ;p hahhaaha, forever kau nya tkleh pakai. aku rasa kan PROMISES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN KOT? kan? tk rasa ke? lepas tu nk terkinja kinja dgn perempuan lain, sorrry arrrr ly ckp ni apa yang terluah frm my heart k. this is so random so yeah :) k then korg nk cite apa lagi, if dh couple to keeeep it to yourself ke blog ke tumblr ke or even yr bestfriends la ni nak bgtau to the whole world yang kau ada gf/bf, mencintai sepenuh hati la bla bla bla and bla. no im not JEALOUS, im just telling the truth. its like im the wakil to speak out whts disturbin my mind k -.- err, so yeah, jangan nk ckp loyal sangat la time couple, tkd org boleh loyal if semua pergi mana mana nampak budak cun ke ganteng sikit ke apa ke just tgk sekali je, mesti pandang like countless times ye idak? kk, emo jap. err, then yeah its too sad kan, if kita ingat dua org sweeeet sweeeet couple yang kita expect boleh lama suddenly broke up kan? yeah, ive beeeen thru with all these, and now, i wanna tell to the whole world ; AKU JUAL MAHAL KAT ORG SEBAB AKU ADA HARGA DIRI. aku tknk couple then jual maruah kat org yeah and bila couple ye la baik then if broke up korg boleh terima aku jadi kawan korg ke? tk mungkin kan? mesti kawan kawan korg blame aku semua en aftr break? tknklaaa, sbb tula aku nk jadi kawaaan je ngan korg, korang boleh jadi kawan aku, kaan baik pun im okay but serious tu, cant be lah! eventhough there is someones special in my life now, but kiteorg tk cpl okay? stop asssuming and make any stories abt us, you dnt knw the truth you just can see frm the outside but inside who knws? LOL xD okay, dah terlepas sikit yang terbeban di jiwa. LISTEN GUYS ;
should come with a warning lable. Caution: I will flirt with you. text
24/7.lead you on.tell you i love you.then ill totally ignore you. flirt
with a whore. break your heart and never talk to you again :'(
Some guys should come with this label :)You knw wht, you cnt play with the girls feelings, their hearts are easily scratch if you hurt them includin me, and you dnt knw how they feel if youve done something to them, diaorg sanggp tk makan, cz laki punya pasal, diaorg sngggup nangis bnyk hari sbb laki punya pasal tau tak, yang bunuh diri tu kebanyakannya laki ke perempuan if pasal putus cinta? GIRLS kan? LISTEN UP ; WE ARE NOT TOYS THAT ONCE YOU WANNA PLAY US, GAME US YOU MAY DO SO THEN JUST DUMP LIKE THT LEPAS GUNA KITEORG. what kind of guys are you? Tak boleh buat mcm tu, you can think that you may get any girls you want but if satu hari kau dpt karma, mati la kau situ. if karma tk dtg kat kau, aku sendiri will hit karma on you. tp sebab aku ni penakut la aku diam je. k sob sob~ okayyy, 'I HATE GUYS THAT THINK CAN FLIRT WITH ANY GIRLS' May i like this word for a countless times? suka nya if org buat status mcm ni, begitu juga perempuan,'I HATE GIRLS THAT THINK THEY CAN FLIRT WITH ANY GUYS' Deyyyyy! kau fikir kau punya keseronokan je kan? kau tak tahu akibatnya apa? Beeeeeeeeeyatchyuuuuuu! mm, its like a total broken-hearted la dulu tau bru nk confess now, i think now is the right time kot. yeah, i admit that i used to have lots of exes, but tu DULU. everybody makes mistakes, everyday, every time and everywhere, so dnt blame people sgt la. NOW, IVE CHANGED, i think this is a part of my life. trials come and go then dtg balik, thats because Allah sayangkan Lily, sayangkan semua org, so yang tengah broken hearted tu, bersabar la eh :) Buat relaks sudah *Caprice cakap* hahahha, awww ;) and aku skrg PHILOPHOBIA KAY, if tak faham refer atas balik malas nk ulang, ye im just a normal girl, i like guys too. but sekadar suka sekejap, hanya mencuci mata, then lupa like srsly k, tkd nya nk jadikan boyfriend, its not my time yet k. its not. TUNGGGU LAGI 12 MORE YEARS, but mybe less thn tht masa time kat U kita boleh mencari but not now, sekarang couple2 breaaaaaaaaak buat apa? nk yang forever smpai kawen, boleh tk? xD and lagi satu, kalau datin' tu ajakla siapa-siapa teman, jgn 2 og je nnti ada setan org ketiga k? :) and ADA LIMITS JUGAK TAU. jangan buat seks, pada perempuan perempuan di luar sana, jgnla buat time skrg umur mcm teenagers lagi, cz thts the only our precious girl's thing yang ita ada, lelaki boleh je buat bila bila masa, but GIRLS! think bout it twice please. Its not use, dah buat then break nk nangis mcm org gila. okay? do thnk about it.
okay, hihi PMR'S result maybe MAYBEEEEEEEEE K keluar on ths 28TH DECEMBER :S dah takuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts like sumpah nak pengsan dah bila org tanya 'bila keluar result' 'bila keluar result'? sabarla! nanti when the time comes, if result Lily baik, i'll tell the people tht ive promised to tell. sabar sabar, jgnla banyak tnya, if nk lebih confirm punya date, check ah sendiri kt website PPD KE APA KE k? hmm pleaase stop asking me the same quests penat k nk jawab, but if result tk okay, sorry to tell FAMILY AND MY CLOSED ONES JE CAN TAHU. but anw, please keeeep me in yr prayers k i want 8A'S 8A'S 8A'S pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase :) grrrrrrrr, if dpt la 8A sumpah new year mmg NEW HABIS LA. INSYA'ALLAH LY, TAWWAKAL K TAWWWAKAL, YOU CAN DO IT AMIIIIIIIIIIIIN ;D and hopefully dpt masuk asrama sri putri ke MRSM ke tk kesah if sri putri k'Amalina ada boleh tolong bimbing Lily, lebiyou lah :D hihihihiiiiiiiii, miss you toooooooooooooooo!
Credits to : Nadia Shafikah, Nureina Najib, Shazleen Samhana, Fatin Izzati, JannatunNaim, Naili Hayani, Roza Nashiha, Nabilah Syazana, Shahidul Barriyah,Amalina Azmi, Asyikin Rahim, Aminah Baanu, Ameera Sam, Elin Zainal,Nurul Athirah, Khairul Ahmad Muzzafar, Amalina Ahmad, Husna Yahya, Amira Rafie, Kamilia Sofia, Aqilah Ramli, Iylia Adila, Faizah, Damia Dalilah, Izzati Taufek, Marya Amer, Suganya, Joanne, Sharvini, Izzan, Kembar, and all laaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ye Tini, Aina, Run Ting semua la all my schoooooolmates yang f3 and my friends kt facebooook or whatever tau! Sorry if ada nama lupa letak cz im not perfect. tk ingat korg punya nama ke kan, sorrrry but you guys are always in my prayers la sayang ;D hope kita semua berjaya k? AMINNNNNNNNNN <3
okay, its about friends plak, i just wanna say i am totally missssssssssssing you guys! serious tk tipu, and i love every of youuuuuuuuuu guys! i really miss our old times, and yeah you guys are the best! serious tk tipu, semua org ada their own beauty. kan? and ofcourse la ada flaws jugak, everybody is imperfect kan? :) hihihi, includin me jugaaaaaaaaak. but anyway, ILOVEYOUGUYSTILLTHEDAYIDIE. IWANNABEWITHYOUGUYSALLTHETIME if boleh :D
I think thats all for now :)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
wowwwwww lama gila tk update :o
okay here we go bebeeeehhhhhhhhh ;D hahahaha, schoool has ended on 15/11/10 YAYYYY! ughhh at last man at lastttttttttt, ;) hihi. so no neeeeed to wake up early in the morning anddddd go to schoooool watching some people makin faces. k enuff bout this, hmm yeah djhfsofodkf i wanna start with a NEW LIFE (: yes, I really meant this. ahhahaahha jangan main main. k actually malas gila nak blog dah anw,
H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S <3
H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S <3
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Yeah, i wont go onlinee, hmmm i think fr a weeek or more than that perhaps. please miss me k anything just text meeeeeeeeeeeeee. muah muah! hihiih
I'll be active back when the right time comes, cehhh. hihiihihiiih. lafff you guyyyyyyyyyyyys!
and to all my friends read this (!)
my life is too miserable. aku dh berubah ke? kau ada tk puas hati ngan aku ke? so sorry la fr the things tht ive done to you.ada terkasar bhasa ke tersilap ckp ke,or trkutuk ke apa ke.yeah im very sorry mybe masa aku terbuat aku tk sdr kesalahan guys are meant to me.if ada yg tk puas hati dgn aku, just burst out to me k?sorry dr hujung rmbut till kaki.i wanna chnge fr the better nw. sorrrrrrrrrry. anything just tell me! :( jgn simpan dendam dendam dah k. dowan lidddis nemore. muah. Now im trying to control my attitude, trying to jaga yr feeelings, fix myself, andddddddd control carut mencarut k.
Yeah, i wont go onlinee, hmmm i think fr a weeek or more than that perhaps. please miss me k anything just text meeeeeeeeeeeeee. muah muah! hihiih
I'll be active back when the right time comes, cehhh. hihiihihiiih. lafff you guyyyyyyyyyyyys!
and to all my friends read this (!)
my life is too miserable. aku dh berubah ke? kau ada tk puas hati ngan aku ke? so sorry la fr the things tht ive done to you.ada terkasar bhasa ke tersilap ckp ke,or trkutuk ke apa ke.yeah im very sorry mybe masa aku terbuat aku tk sdr kesalahan guys are meant to me.if ada yg tk puas hati dgn aku, just burst out to me k?sorry dr hujung rmbut till kaki.i wanna chnge fr the better nw. sorrrrrrrrrry. anything just tell me! :( jgn simpan dendam dendam dah k. dowan lidddis nemore. muah. Now im trying to control my attitude, trying to jaga yr feeelings, fix myself, andddddddd control carut mencarut k.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
1. Why does a man have a clear conscience?
Because it’s never used.
2. Why are men so happy?
Because ignorance is bliss.
3. Why is psychoanalysis a lot quicker for a man then for a
Because when it’s time to go back to childhood, he’s already
4. If a man and a woman fell off a 10-story building at the same
time,who would reach the ground first?
The woman, the man would get lost.
5. How are men like commercials?
You can’t believe a word either one of them says and they both
last about 60 seconds.
6. How do men exercise at the beach?
By sucking in their stomachs every time they see a woman in a
7. What do you call a man with half a brain?
8. What’s the difference between government bonds and men?
Bonds mature.
9. What did God say after creating man?
I can do better.
10. What are two reasons why men don’t mind their own business?
1. No mind. 2. No business.
11. What do you call an intelligent man in America?
A tourist.
12. If men got pregnant ….
Psychiatric Services and serious pain killers would be available
in convenience stores and drive-through windows.
13. Did you hear about the man who won the gold medal at the
He had it bronzed.
14. What is gross stupidity?
144 men in one room.
15. How many men does it take to pop popcorn?
Three. One to hold the pan and two others to show off and shake
the stove.
16. How do men sort their laundry?
“Filthy” and “Filthy but Wearable.”
17. Only a man would buy a $500 car and put a $4000 stereo in it.
18. What does a man consider to be quality time with his wife?
Pulling the sheets over her head and saying, “Great chili, Babe!”
19. A woman of 35 thinks of having children. What does a man of
35 think of?
Dating children.
20. What should you give a man who has everything?
A woman to show him how to work it.
21. Why do black widow spiders kill their males after mating?
To stop the snoring before it starts.
22. Why don’t men have mid-life crises?
They stay stuck in adolescence.
23. How does a man show he’s planning for the future?
He buys two cases of beer instead of one.
24. How is being at a singles bar different from going to the
At the circus the clowns don’t talk.
25. What makes men chase women they have no intention of
The same urge that makes dogs chase cars they have no intention
of driving.
26. What do you do with a bachelor who thinks he’s God’s gift?
Exchange him.
27. Why do bachelors like smart women?
Opposites attract.
28. Why are husbands like lawn mowers?
They’re hard to get started, emit foul odors, and don’t work half
the time.
29. What’s the difference between a new husband and a new dog?
After a year, the dog is still excited to see you.
30. What is the thinnest book in the world?
What Men Know About Women.
1. Why does a man have a clear conscience?
Because it’s never used.
2. Why are men so happy?
Because ignorance is bliss.
3. Why is psychoanalysis a lot quicker for a man then for a
Because when it’s time to go back to childhood, he’s already
4. If a man and a woman fell off a 10-story building at the same
time,who would reach the ground first?
The woman, the man would get lost.
5. How are men like commercials?
You can’t believe a word either one of them says and they both
last about 60 seconds.
6. How do men exercise at the beach?
By sucking in their stomachs every time they see a woman in a
7. What do you call a man with half a brain?
8. What’s the difference between government bonds and men?
Bonds mature.
9. What did God say after creating man?
I can do better.
10. What are two reasons why men don’t mind their own business?
1. No mind. 2. No business.
11. What do you call an intelligent man in America?
A tourist.
12. If men got pregnant ….
Psychiatric Services and serious pain killers would be available
in convenience stores and drive-through windows.
13. Did you hear about the man who won the gold medal at the
He had it bronzed.
14. What is gross stupidity?
144 men in one room.
15. How many men does it take to pop popcorn?
Three. One to hold the pan and two others to show off and shake
the stove.
16. How do men sort their laundry?
“Filthy” and “Filthy but Wearable.”
17. Only a man would buy a $500 car and put a $4000 stereo in it.
18. What does a man consider to be quality time with his wife?
Pulling the sheets over her head and saying, “Great chili, Babe!”
19. A woman of 35 thinks of having children. What does a man of
35 think of?
Dating children.
20. What should you give a man who has everything?
A woman to show him how to work it.
21. Why do black widow spiders kill their males after mating?
To stop the snoring before it starts.
22. Why don’t men have mid-life crises?
They stay stuck in adolescence.
23. How does a man show he’s planning for the future?
He buys two cases of beer instead of one.
24. How is being at a singles bar different from going to the
At the circus the clowns don’t talk.
25. What makes men chase women they have no intention of
The same urge that makes dogs chase cars they have no intention
of driving.
26. What do you do with a bachelor who thinks he’s God’s gift?
Exchange him.
27. Why do bachelors like smart women?
Opposites attract.
28. Why are husbands like lawn mowers?
They’re hard to get started, emit foul odors, and don’t work half
the time.
29. What’s the difference between a new husband and a new dog?
After a year, the dog is still excited to see you.
30. What is the thinnest book in the world?
What Men Know About Women.
This is about my confession.
Shut up and listen to this ;)
okay, so yeh. hey! i suck in love, you know. Imma bad romance, which is idk wht im crapping about now, but nevermind keeep listening k? so dont fall for me, please. Im begging you this. If i fall for you, tht means i really found out tht youre so 'LUCKY' hahaha, but yeah just be friends je la eh potaato people. I dnt wanna involve in any relationship with anyoneeeeeeeeeeee, although youre so handsome, filthy rich tht could buy anything, educated or what. i dnt believe in LOVE. yeaaaah yeaaaaaaaaaaah me! :P seee even Hayley Williams told so right? Maybe I know, somewhere deep in my soul tht love never lasts, NYAHAHAHHAHA :D copy paste, sorry. k back to the topic, hmmm yeah i dnt believe in love, i know all people could promise tht, 'DNT WORRY OUR LOVES WILL BE LIKE FOREVER AND EVER' eeeey eeey stupid moron! whre do you know? Allah yang tentukan everything k! so just shut yr mouth. hahaha jangan cakap bnyk k. I LOVE TO BE SINGLE, SINGLE LADIES PUT YR HANDS UP IN THE AIR :D all right hmm, yeah. ASK ME WHY? all right these are the reasons
1) I can do whatever things i want w/o anyone stoppin me to do so
2) I can hang out with whoever i want
3) I dnt care about my attitude, no one can stop meeee
K, threeeee reasons are enuff k. mm so yeah you could see tht right? find me the conclusion now (: yeahh, why nak couple? dnt you think couple agak menyusahkan? kena jaga hati org tu? omgggg, youre so nice to jaga his/her feeelings, but for me. sorrrry, imma bad girl. HONESTLY! bukan playgirl or what, just rimas k rimaaaaaaaaaaaas. LOL. suck suck. errrr, kay next wht i wanna share with you eh? HAHAHHA, mmm yeah if couple mesti korang ada janji mcm mcm kan and everything your couples do you'll say semua nya OKAY mmg kalau taik kucing yg busuk tu pun boleh kata wangi en? HAHAHHA, :S tp if dh breaaaak omg will be like hatin each other, and spread to others tht this girl/boy is so evil or whatever, spreading rumours and so on. SO WHATS THAT MEAN? ive my experience too. im sure we all do have k! so jgn bnyk cakap cz thts the truth to be told. OMG DATANG PERIOD AH PADANLA NK EMO SEMACAM hahahhaha. tkpeee, k keep listen to this. ni mcm facts k! jap jap search on the internet pasal facts about breakin up jap.
okay, so yeh. hey! i suck in love, you know. Imma bad romance, which is idk wht im crapping about now, but nevermind keeep listening k? so dont fall for me, please. Im begging you this. If i fall for you, tht means i really found out tht youre so 'LUCKY' hahaha, but yeah just be friends je la eh potaato people. I dnt wanna involve in any relationship with anyoneeeeeeeeeeee, although youre so handsome, filthy rich tht could buy anything, educated or what. i dnt believe in LOVE. yeaaaah yeaaaaaaaaaaah me! :P seee even Hayley Williams told so right? Maybe I know, somewhere deep in my soul tht love never lasts, NYAHAHAHHAHA :D copy paste, sorry. k back to the topic, hmmm yeah i dnt believe in love, i know all people could promise tht, 'DNT WORRY OUR LOVES WILL BE LIKE FOREVER AND EVER' eeeey eeey stupid moron! whre do you know? Allah yang tentukan everything k! so just shut yr mouth. hahaha jangan cakap bnyk k. I LOVE TO BE SINGLE, SINGLE LADIES PUT YR HANDS UP IN THE AIR :D all right hmm, yeah. ASK ME WHY? all right these are the reasons
1) I can do whatever things i want w/o anyone stoppin me to do so
2) I can hang out with whoever i want
3) I dnt care about my attitude, no one can stop meeee
K, threeeee reasons are enuff k. mm so yeah you could see tht right? find me the conclusion now (: yeahh, why nak couple? dnt you think couple agak menyusahkan? kena jaga hati org tu? omgggg, youre so nice to jaga his/her feeelings, but for me. sorrrry, imma bad girl. HONESTLY! bukan playgirl or what, just rimas k rimaaaaaaaaaaaas. LOL. suck suck. errrr, kay next wht i wanna share with you eh? HAHAHHA, mmm yeah if couple mesti korang ada janji mcm mcm kan and everything your couples do you'll say semua nya OKAY mmg kalau taik kucing yg busuk tu pun boleh kata wangi en? HAHAHHA, :S tp if dh breaaaak omg will be like hatin each other, and spread to others tht this girl/boy is so evil or whatever, spreading rumours and so on. SO WHATS THAT MEAN? ive my experience too. im sure we all do have k! so jgn bnyk cakap cz thts the truth to be told. OMG DATANG PERIOD AH PADANLA NK EMO SEMACAM hahahhaha. tkpeee, k keep listen to this. ni mcm facts k! jap jap search on the internet pasal facts about breakin up jap.
- More often than not, breaking up is as hard on the person ending the relationship as it is on the person being broken up with - don't assume just because a person is breaking up with you means that they no longer care about you, caring about you and wanting a relationship with you are not one and the same.
- Nobody likes to hurt another person, especially somebody they have been close to, and it is often very easy to guilt trip somebody into staying with you when they are trying to end things. Resist this urge! When you use guilt as a way to stop a break up you not only cheat yourself out of having a good and true relationship, you foster resentment in the other person which could lead to greater pain and heart ache in the future.
- Being broken up with does not mean that there is something wrong with you; it just means that there is something that is not working in the relationship. Try not to take the rejection too personally. Remember that lots of great people have had failed relationships - the fact that the relationships failed says nothing about their value as a person. The fact that your relationship failed likewise says nothing about you as a person.
- It is all right to cry, get mad and feel hurt when you are dumped. These are normal natural feelings. Just be sure that you let your feelings out in a safe place among friends or family. Do not make your ex the target of your feelings, even if they have done something to deserve your outrage. The sooner you let go of the other person, the sooner the healing can begin.
- Breaking up is never easy. You will have good days and you will have bad days. Take it one day at a time and don't beat yourself up if you have an overly emotional day - you're only human after all.
- Break ups are often followed by one of the parties starting a new relationship and when this happens it can bring up all sorts of old feelings. If you thought you were over someone who broke up with you and find yourself upset at the news that s/he has moved on, rest assured you are normal. Let yourself be upset, it is part of the healing process.
- Acting out in anger is never good for anybody. After being broken up with don't spread mean or spiteful rumors. Don't betray former confidences by telling old secrets to others. If another person was involved in your break up resist the urge to slam them behind their back. Acting vicious only makes you look bad and any satisfaction you may feel will be short lived. In the end this sort of behaviour will only make you feel worse.
- A big part of the pain of breaking up comes from a feeling of embarrassment. We often fear how the situation will look to outsiders. Refuse to be embarrassed, even if you did something outlandish to cause your break up. Letting go of the embarrassment will help you move on to the healing.
- Nobody ever deserves to be hurt. Your ex does not deserve to be hurt because you are hurting. Your ex's new love interest (if one even exists) does not deserve to be hurt just because you feel jealous. You do not deserve to be hurt, even if you acted badly and caused the break up. Breaking up hurts, but it doesn't have to be made worse by holding a grudge or drowning yourself in a pool of if only's. Deal with the reality and let go of your anger, the pain will disappear more quickly if you do.
- Things may seem bleak now but you never know what the future may hold for you and your ex. You may get back together someday. You may not. Either way it is better to let go of a faltering relationship while there is still some caring left between the two of you. If you play it out to the bitter end and leave your ex no choice but to hate you to get rid of you, you close the door to the future. Bowing out graciously leaves room for a future relationship with your ex, even if it is just as good friends.
Lets straight forward.
You know what? I laffff blogging. I rather blogging than doing something tht's not worth it okay? chooowwws. Oh yeah, you can save my link in yr phone too. Takut takutla bosan kan, dnt knw wht to do, (Y) read my blog (:
xoxo, bye (:
xoxo, bye (:
Monday, November 1, 2010
I wanna be a billionaire so frickin' baddd :'( HIHI.
I wanna go here and there, nahhh some picturesssss again ;D
2) Paris
3)Universal studios , Singapore pun bolehla :D
4) Londonnnnnn baby ;)
5) Australia
6) Dubai
7) Seoul
Hopefully one dayy I'll get to go to the places that ive mentioned up thre or any other beautiful places, insya'Allah Aminnnn (;
xoxo, bye <3
I wanna go here and there, nahhh some picturesssss again ;D
2) Paris
4) Londonnnnnn baby ;)
5) Australia
6) Dubai
7) Seoul
Hopefully one dayy I'll get to go to the places that ive mentioned up thre or any other beautiful places, insya'Allah Aminnnn (;
xoxo, bye <3
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